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Trigger warning: this is O-U-T-R-A-G-E-O-U-S

This is the most outrageous article that you have ever seen.

I'm mocking and insulting and attacking all that you hold sacred.

You are triggered and outraged and you want to comment and tell me that I'm an asshole. Good! Do that.

But you won't be able to silence me if others want to hear what I say.

This article lives in a distributed, decentralized, uncensorable P2P system called Radicle.

OK, if you are reading this on the web the article is really coming from the public website of a seeding node whose operators have chosen to seed my repo. So what if they, the operators, are so outraged that they stop seeding my repo? Or if they are forced by the regulators to stop seeding my repo?

The users (individual nodes) who like what I say will continue seeding my repo. If there are many of them, my repo with this and other outrageous articles will still be easy to download and view locally. If nobody likes what I say, then it will exist only for me. And this is exactly how things should be.

This is very important to me.

I'm old-fashioned enough to still affirm: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." These words were written by Evelyn Beatrice Hall as an illustration of Voltaire's beliefs.


Now comment and tell me that I'm an asshole. To do this you must use the command line in Linux or in the Mac Unix shell. Install Radicle, clone this repo, and open an issue to comment. Recommended format: the title of the issue should be "Comment to [title of this article]".

This is a proof of concept, I'm sure future versions of Radicle will be much more user friendly.

Radicle wants to be a decentralized version of GitHub, so it does much more than what is needed for a decentralized zine. So using Radicle for this seems an overkill, but still, Radicle seems to do this better than other platforms that I've been experimenting with.

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